Gas Leak Detection and Repair
Detecting A Gas Leak
Gas leaks are serious business. If you suspect that a problem exists with your gas lines, us to investigate. Whether you need a gas line repair or replacement, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. A gas leak is dangerous. Detection is important if you want to keep your family and home safe from harm. Keep reading to learn more about the signs indicating a problem and the steps you should take when a gas line is leaking.
Signs That a Gas Leak Exists
Did you know that natural gas has no odor? It is also invisible. Here are the signs that you may have a gas leak:
Bad Odor – Some of today’s gas companies add mercaptan to natural gas. Mercaptan is a chemical that causes natural gas to smell like rotten eggs. It is possible for your home to have a gas leak even if you don’t notice a foul odor.
Hissing sounds – When a gas leak exists, you may hear a hissing sound whenever you standing near one of your appliances or water heater.
Dead vegetation – Part of your gas line runs underground. When a leak exists, the gas can damage the grass and other vegetation. If you notice dead or dying greenery, you may want to schedule an inspection of your gas lines.
Feeling nauseous – When you feel nauseous or lightheaded, it is possible that your natural gas lines are leaking. Get some fresh air. When you are feeling better, call a professional to take a look for you.
Dizziness and headaches – Depending on your sensitivity to natural gas, the duration of the gas leak, and the severity of it, you may experience headaches and dizziness. In most cases, both of these symptoms are going to be constant as long as you remain in the home.
Installation of New Gas Lines
When the damage to your gas lines is too severe for repairs, replacement of the pipes and fittings becomes necessary. Gas line replacement is often a more expensive option than repairs. However, it may be necessary to replace your pipes in order to create a safe environment for your home.
Don’t wait to get help if you think you need gas leak detection or repair. Call your local professionals for assistance. Having your gas line inspected is the fastest way to identify existing problems and possible solutions. Protect the safety of your family and home by tackling the issue quickly. If you suspect that your gas line is leaking, arrange to have your line fully inspected as quickly as possible.
What You Should Do If You Find a Gas Leak
The dangers surrounding a gas leak are serious. Here are the steps you should take if you suspect that your gas line is leaking:
Open all of the windows
Open all of the doors
Do not use or touch lights, phones, electronics, or battery-operated devices
Do not use candles or matches, even if you are having difficulty finding your way out of your house
Do not turn on your car if it is near the house
Have everyone leave the house immediately
Stand away from the house to avoid breathing in any of the gas
Contact qualified professionals to handle the problem for you