Booster Pump Installation
How does a booster pump work?
A booster pump boosts water pressure and, in many cases, improves the flow rate. A booster pump works just like a fan. A fan has blades that spin around to increase air movement, and a booster pump has an impeller inside that increases water flow and pressure in the same fashion.
What are the components of a booster pump?
Most water booster pump, no matter who the manufacturer contain the same core components:
Inlet and outlet
Pressure or flow sensing device
Booster pumps have an impeller that moves water that comes in through the inlet and exits through the outlet. A motor makes the impellers spin. Booster pumps differ according to how they suck water in and push it out. Some water booster pumps use a spinning propeller, while others use an oscillating diaphragm. Pumps with oscillating diaphragms propel water using two oscillating or rotating plates— one with cups and one with indentations. As the plates roll together, they compress the cups and force the water out. As the plates roll open, more water is sucked in.
Do I Need A Booster Pump?
If you have low water pressure not caused by a leak or you need to increase water pressure for a certain application, then a booster pump is the best option.
Questions to ask when shopping for a booster pump:
What is my water flow rate? Calculate how many gallons of water you get per minute, taking all fixtures into consideration. Learn how to calculate flow rate.
How much water do I need? Consider how much water your household or business uses.
Is the water source above or below the pump? Think about whether or not your water must travel uphill or up several stories.
How much pressure do I need? Many people prefer high water pressure when taking a shower, but pressure that's too high can destroy plumbing, fittings, and appliances. Most homes have a pressure reducing valve where the water line enters the house to maintain the water pressure. Pressure over 60 psi wears the household plumbing system.
Which booster pump you need depends on how much water you use, the desired pressure, and the location of your water source. If you have a large house, for example, you may need a booster pump capable of supplying pressure to the second or third floor. Applications, like reverse osmosis systems with low feed pressure or water with a high TDS (total dissolved solids), require a lot more pressure.
Need A Booster Pump Repair Or Installation?
The biggest challenge with using a booster pump for your home well pump water system is they require regular maintenance. At Soukup Plumbing, Inc., our booster pump plumbers know that your home water pressure will decrease over time. We understand the negative impact of no water pressure on homeowners, residents, and businesses. You can depend on us to provide a prompt response for your no water and low water pressure emergencies. If your pump is being used for wastewater or effluent removal? Poorly performing equipment can harshly affect the efficiency of your system.
Soukup Plumbing, Inc. provides detailed inspection services of your complete well pump system. We will work with your schedule to minimize downtime during repairs and maintenance. And help you understand your water pressure booster pump system and how to maintain it going forward.
What You Should Do If You Find a Gas Leak
The dangers surrounding a gas leak are serious. Here are the steps you should take if you suspect that your gas line is leaking:
Open all of the windows
Open all of the doors
Do not use or touch lights, phones, electronics, or battery-operated devices
Do not use candles or matches, even if you are having difficulty finding your way out of your house
Do not turn on your car if it is near the house
Have everyone leave the house immediately
Stand away from the house to avoid breathing in any of the gas
Contact qualified professionals to handle the problem for you